As for me, I get to see my Dad soon (he lives far away and since he's a teacher, he can only visit during this holiday and some others), and we're going camping in this nice national park, as it has become something of a family tradition.
Oh, and also, I've been a little bored lately, so I thought I'd try out this site called 'Dragon Cave'.
As it would turn out, your eggs grow through others clicking them, and if mine aren't clicked in five days, they'll die, as silly as that sounds. I don't really go on forumns very often, so it seemed like my eggs would be sunny-side up by next week. Fortunately, I found a site dedicated to helping new owners get their eggs clicked, where I posted mine up. In turn, I'm supposed to help others get theirs viewed so that they don't shrivel into an omelet =P
I don't know if this link will work, or how much I'm supposed to post, but here it is:

PS: Enjoy the holidays, and have fun! =)
UPDATE: My final exams are now officially over! I'm looking forward so much to sleeping in! xD